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rFactor 2 | 十一月版本更新

 SRFC报道组    发表于 2020.11.19 10:56:03 | 阅读: 709 | 评论: 11   

昨天rFactor 2发布了11月的版本更新,为了周五即将到来的spa dlc做了一些准备。这一次更新包括了大量的改变和优化,也标志着32位版本彻底退出历史舞台。现在,我们强烈推荐用户切换到新UI来享受到我们这次更新带来的优化和改进。



- 移除32位版本支持,我们现在仅支持64位了。为了更平滑的转换,我们还是留下了一些32位的工具。

     - 已知问题:steamCMD的dedi server下的bin64文件夹中的ModMgr.exe暂不可用,请使用bin32的先暂时替代

- 改变新UI渲染的方式,现在更加的流畅,甚至在后台线程忙忙碌的时候。(当然我tm还是偶尔会卡在某些地方,,可能还是mod装太多了, 但是其他情况下流畅多了,loading赛道时候转圈圈不带卡了)

- 修复一系列在游戏内改变显示设置时的内存泄漏和可能的崩溃

- 确保用户在界面上输入文字时不会触发其他的控制器操作

- 修复鼠标在VR下按esc下车后不见的情况

- 修复一些情况下当重启周末或进入下一节时新UI消失卡住的情况

- 修复一系列屏幕比例导致的UI展示问题(md,21:9现在看replay都不能全屏了。。。。)

- 修复新UI在三屏下高且宽了一个像素的问题

- 加入VR下在显示器上展示镜像的功能,只在新UI可用

- 控制器配置

     - 加入simagic m10的控制设置

     - VRS Direct Force Pro 修复拼写

- 重新打开并优化了God Ray和light flare效果(丁达尔效应)(需要postfx打开,并且主要在太阳被略微遮住的时候可见)(好看是好看,但是触发条件有点少。。)

- 调整空气污染参数的颜色混合和参数

- 修正月亮亮度

- 重新调整各种光线参数

- 将大气参数从天气配置(.WET)移动到赛道配置(.GDB)


- Added option for static mappers to disable omni lights

- Fixed auto static mapper assignment, so Static01 mapper is auto assigned only. (prevent mappers for specific situations being auto assigned to assets)

- Fixes for issues with No Rain Zones including when falling back to bounding box, and sorting issues with the currently rendered no rain zones.

- Fixed an issue where reflections would stop updating after rejoining track

- Fix for track side cameras not always showing the correct number of objects

- Updated PBR track shaders to make use of new sampler methods to allow for more textures to be used.

- Fixed an issue where DXT1 and DXT5 textures would not sample sRGB when they should when using new sampler method (This was an issue on the Road Shader only previously)

- Fixed a rare issue causing texture animations to stop working

- IBL Road and IBL Curb:

    Added ability to use a second normal map (overlay on road, switch on curbs)

    Tweaked Groove Blending logic (This may result in more noticeable dust, you may wish to tone this down in your Road Details Map)

- Updated default settings for Groove & Dust IBL Standard

    Fixed some issues with the Detail Map

- IBL Standard & Blend

    Added option to use detail map as an alpha masked decal IBL Standard Blend

    Added the option to use a detail map with the same logic as IBL Standard

    Removed Multiply Square albedo blending mode, since this can be achieved by saving the texture in the correct format.

- IBL Terrain:

    Added the ability to set per Albedo strengths for Pattern map

    Added an optional splatter overlay map, which applies alpha to specular mask

    Added Albedo Tinting to Specular on Terrain Shaders

- IBL Vegetation

    Added a new Vegetation Specific shader, which contains only appropriate logic from IBL Standard

    Added Specular Tinting with a static colour in the Vegetation Shader.


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